From Start-ups to Unicorns
This report summarises the results of a working group that conducted nearly 40 interviews with French Tech and Next40 executives, investors, directors of young companies and influential personalities in the French and international ecosystem. The working group was itself made up of 14 entrepreneurs, directors, investors and professionals working for young companies.
After recalling the 10 recommendations made in the first IFA report published in 2015 in cooperation with BPI France, the report highlights the five obstacles to the emergence of growth governance in the frequently cited start-ups:
A certain form of mistrust on the part of managers towards the third parties that form the governance
A lack of training on the purpose of governance
A difficulty in composing the right governance body at the right time in the life of the company
A poor balance in risk perception between management and the board of directors
A lack of information about the importance of sound governance for financing oneself
The report then proposes 7 keys to concrete actions to stimulate, support and accompany growth in a long-term logic: mentoring, trust and transparency, independence, strategy, empowerment, deployment, sustainability.
Téléchargez le rapport version FR
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