A four-hour seminar to be delivered in english to foreign Directors (or foreign candidates to directorship positions) in French companies. Also of interest for French Directors and staff of companies having a significant proportion of foreign Directors.
Basic Principles of French corporate law
Pointing out the major differences with US, English and German law concepts and practice, especially with respect to the allocation of responsibilities between shareholders, board and management, and civil and criminal liability of companies and directors.
Focus on Board practice
Sketching the French approach to corporate governance issues currently focusing attention in Western countries, such as diversity, chairmanship/C.E.O. separation, role of the committees, etc. – with significant practical examples.
Financial and audit specificities
Identifying a few specificities affecting the directors’ responsibilities in respect of company accounts, and rules concerning the auditors.
Focus on director and senior executive compensation
A reminder of the rules applicable on a much-debated issue: what the law says on performance criteria, disclosure requirements, etc. and what are the current trends and issues.
The cultural background
By way of conclusion, an interactive discussion, based on concise facts and figures outlining a few issues which are often the source of misunderstandings or misperception by foreign businessmen.
Les prochaines sessions
- Cette formation se fait en intra-entreprise, merci de contacter Laurence Beauquier (laurence.beauquier@ifa-asso.com ou>

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